Mexico with greater corruption

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6 · 24 · 19

According to Transparency International’s 2018 Corruption Perception Index, Mexico ranks 138th out of 180 countries assessed according to perceived levels of corruption in the public sector, for having obtained a score of 28/100, where 0 “is highly corrupt” and 100 “very clean”, noted the general coordinator of Follow-up of Recommendations and Legal Affairs of the CNDH, Rubén Francisco Pérez Sánchez.

It noted that the National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH) had expressed its concern about this situation, as well as various international bodies, such as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the (IACHR), which have pointed out that corruption impacts the population the most in poverty and vulnerability.

This increases the cost of access to public services, weakens the social contract and discourages investment, resulting in unemployment and lower economic growth.

Also, Pérez Sánchez, he mentioned, affects girls, children, adolescents, women, Afro-descendants, migrants, detainees and especially members of indigenous peoples and communities who, in the face of the development of economic projects, can their rights to cultural heritage, the preservation of the environment, as well as prior and informed consultation.

During his participation in the colloquium “Is there the crime of corruption?”, organized by the Institute of Legal Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), he argued that according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography ( Inegi), in 2017, corruption in Mexico reached 7,218 million pesos in payments, formalities and requests for services.

While the cost of corruption in proceedings before public security authorities was 1.377 million pesos, an increase of 37.3 percent compared to 2015.

Therefore, the CNDH official stated that recent mechanisms, such as the National Anti-Corruption System, need to be strengthened to combat such behaviour.

Corruption, he added, prevents the State from fulfilling various obligations such as the provision of health services, the supply of medicines or the supervision of public works.

For this reason, the IACHR has stressed the importance of generating legal, legal and public policy mechanisms to establish the impact of different forms of corruption on the effective enjoyment of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights (DESCA) and strengthen the means to monitor and evaluate social programmes, it concluded.


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