Business News & Articles

Mexico issues 211 electronic invoices per second

Technological advances in tax matters, especially in electronic invoicing, have led taxpayers to issue more Digital Tax Proofs online (CFDI) every day. According to data from the Tax Administration Service (SAT), a total of 4,976.5 million electronic invoices have...

Mexico, attractive country for doing business: Nestlé

Mexico's geographical position, natural resources, human capital and the fact that it has an open economy, places the country on the map of any company that has a global or regional vision to do business, said Nestlé's CEO for the Americas, Laurent Laurent Freixe. In...

Mexico with greater corruption

According to Transparency International's 2018 Corruption Perception Index, Mexico ranks 138th out of 180 countries assessed according to perceived levels of corruption in the public sector, for having obtained a score of 28/100, where 0 "is highly corrupt" and 100...


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