Mexico, attractive country for doing business: Nestlé

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6 · 24 · 19

Mexico’s geographical position, natural resources, human capital and the fact that it has an open economy, places the country on the map of any company that has a global or regional vision to do business, said Nestlé’s CEO for the Americas, Laurent Laurent Freixe.

In an interview with Notimex, the executive noted that the country’s location makes it a bridge between the United States and the rest of Latin America, allowing it to be part of the value chain between the two major economic entities, and one of the largest markets for the company worldwide.

He considered that the public agenda of the federal government is adequate, because the commitment to youth, education and infrastructure, being elements that help the development of the economy and the country, and the fight against corruption, encourages them to maintain their investment commitment.

He indicated that human capital is one of the great riches of Mexico, but to take advantage of it you have to invest in education, where the dual scheme allows to combine academic knowledge with practice, the best way to learn, and ensures that you can access a position working.

Laurent Freixe commented that having a good rule of law and model of public governance is essential, because it ensures the economic growth of any human activity, while giving stability and visibility to investors.

“Mexico’s public agenda is a very appropriate agenda, the challenge is obviously important, it is a great country, there are many young people, but I have the peace of mind that the country will succeed. In addition, being open to the world, this adds opportunities and fosters competitiveness, because playing in a global market requires more capacity and more efficiency,” he said.

On the behavior of the Mexican economy in the first quarter, he stated that low growth is a global issue, because there is a slowdown in expectations, but the country continues to grow, as does consumption, where the company made good progress , remaining as a growth engine for the group and the region.

Regarding recent trade tensions with the United States, Nestlé’s CEO for the Americas noted that tariffs were fortunately avoided and the best possible exit was achieved; however, it ruled out that such events affect the company’s operation by its focus on local production.

“I think we had the best possible way out, it’s good for Mexico, but it’s good for the United States too, and you have to think that Mexico is part of the productivity and competitiveness of the American economy. It is good that there is this stability, as it gives peace of mind of the potential of the region, and mainly of Mexico,” he said.

Freixe detailed that their strategy of producing where they sell, allows them to have a preferential and competitive position in either case; however, he assured that free trade is important, as it was a factor of growth and competitiveness.

Last December, the company announced at a meeting with PresidentAndrés Manuel López Obrador an investment of $154 million for the construction of a plant in Veracruz, which will have the capacity to process 20 thousand tons of green coffee a year.

According to the firm, in a first phase, the center will generate 250 direct and two thousand 500 indirect jobs, with the potential to reach the thousand 200 direct and 12 thousand indirect jobs at the end of the three stages through which it will pass its expansion.


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