Privacy Policy

This Privacy Notice sets out the terms and conditions under which CEFICOL Consultoría Económica Contable & Legal S.C., hereinafter CEFICOL, with address located at: Avenida Insurgentes Sur No. 1863-301B, Colonia Guadalupe Inn, C.P. 01020, Delegation Alvaro Obregón, Mexico, D.F., will process the personal data of the Holder, in compliance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (“the Law”), and its regulations, making it known that:

CEFICOL, protects and safeguards your personal data to prevent damage, distribution, marketing, loss, destruction, theft, loss, alteration, as well as unauthorized processing.

What information do we collect?

The personal data you provide to CEFICOL, through the use of our services, personally, in writing, e-mail or by any digital means and/or by telephone include: (i) personal information and documentation, (ii) identity data, (iii) job information and documentation, (iv) financial information and documentation, (iv) tax information and documentation and (v) legal information and documentation. To ensure that the personal data provided is correct and current, CEFICOL may collect information from other sources such as personal, work and/or commercial references.

CEFICOL may also request a copy of your official photo IDENTIFICATION, credentials issued by federal, state and/or municipal authorities, by decentralized or decentralized bodies and even parastatals, proof of domicile, notary testimony such as real estate, wills, faith of facts, powers, certified copies issued by notaries, public corridors or by jurisdictional and non-judicial authorities in the exercise of their powers, birth certificates, , death certificates, marriage certificates, Unique Population Registration Key (CURP) financial data, accounting and/or accounting records, assets, tax returns, Tax Identification Card (RFC), SA-1 format of registration with the Tax Administration Service, contracts, records of registration to particular and/or guubermanental records, constituent deeds and protocolized records, the latter two only if they are a moral person, as well as the signing of credits, as can be promissory notes. The processing of personal data of third parties that you provide to us, is done in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Privacy Notice.

Only in the case of applicants could sensitive, academic and work data that will be communicated to you in a timely manner and we will request your consent for the processing based on the applicable legislation.

You consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice.

Only for the case of the activity to be carried out is considered by the Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Resources of Illicit Origin as a vulnerable activity, in addition to the documents indicated above, identification data will also be requested for the purpose of verifying their identity and, where applicable, that of third parties that are beneficiaries of the product and / or final service as well as information about their activity or occupation, based on the notices of registration and updating of activities submitted for the purposes of the Federal Taxpayer Register, information with which the Notices, Reports and Documents regulated in the aforementioned legislation, will be presented to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, in order to comply with them.

Such information will be guarded, stored and protected in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law for the Prevention of Identification of Operations with Resources of Illicit Origin.

If you refuse to provide the information and/or documentation required by CEFICOL, IT shall refrain, without liability, from carrying out the act or operation in question.

The presentation to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Notices, Information and / or Documentation referred to in the Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Resources of Illicit Origin, by CEFICOL in relation to its customers, users or beneficiaries of the products and / or services provided to those who carry out Vulnerable Activities, will not imply for them any violation of the obligations of confidentiality or legal secrecy, any other provisions of the laws, nor may be the subject of a confidentiality clause in any agreement, contract or legal act. The information and documentation supporting the Notices, as well as the identity of those who have submitted them, is considered confidential and of a reserved nature.

What do we use your information for?

The personal data we collect is intended to: (i) comply with obligations arising from and/or arising from any legal and/or commercial relationship that we establish in connection with the provision of our services required by you, (ii) To address requests in which you show interest about our services, (iii) Provide you with accounting, tax, economic, legal and other advice related to the provision of our services that you request, (iv) To inform us about our services, (iv) Inform us about our services, current services, their changes and updates, (vi) Evaluate the quality of the services, (vii) Identify service delivery history, (viii) Contact and customer service, (ix) Verify the information you provide to us, (x) Comply with your obligations with you, (xi) Billing and collection for our services, or where applicable for, (xii) Include our recruitment and recruitment processes, (xiii) Integrate your process if you are hired, (xiv) Include it in our database electronic records for future vacancies, (xv) Know your profile as a candidate, (xvi) Integrate your file if you are hired and (xvii) Change or cancel the services requested by the Owner.

For the exclusive case of applicants to employees, we process your data in order to carry out the process of recruitment, selection and, where appropriate, contracting.

In the collection and processing of personal data, we comply with all the principles stipulated in the Law and its Regulations: lawfulness, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility.

Who do we share your information with?

CEFICOL may transfer your personal data to domestic or foreign third parties such as economic, legal, accounting and tax consultants, promotion and marketing of our products and services; at the request of an authority; and for the fulfilment of obligations arising from a legal relationship between the holder of the personal data and CEFICOL.

In this regard, CEFICOL may hire one or more third parties as selected service providers to support the activities of economic, legal, accounting and tax consulting, promotion and marketing of our services, management and administration of personal data collected through electronic means, or by any other means, as well as for purposes of verifying the information you provide to us, so CEFICOL may even forward it to such third party(ren) solely for purposes of verifying the information you provide to us, so CEFICOL may even forward it to such third party(ren) solely for purposes of verifying the information you provide to us, so CEFICOL may even forward it to such third party(ren) solely for the purpose comply with the provision of the contracted services. Any third party to whom the stated transfer is made, if any, declares to know in advance this Privacy Notice and be bound by its terms, also the recipients of the personal data, are bound by the corresponding contract, to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data provided by CEFICOL and to observe this Notice.

It is understood that you have given your consent to the transfer of your personal data, if you do not object to the transfer of them.

The personal data you provide to CEFICOL may be compiled and fixed in a database that is the exclusive property of CEFICOL.

What security and control measures do we use to protect your personal data?

CEFICOL implements administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect your personal data, which we require to be complied with by the service providers we contract, including in the case of services provided by companies subsidiaries or related parties.

All information and personal data that you provide to us through the use of our services, in writing, e-mail or any means by electronic and/or telephone, will constitute a database owned by CEFICOL. The information is stored for protection purposes, to prevent loss, misuse, disclosure, marketing or alteration.

The protection of the privacy of personal data of minors is especially important for CEFICOL.

For this reason, when we become aware of the personal data of minors, their processing will be carried out in compliance at all times with the guidelines and requirements established in the Law and its Regulations.

What is the area responsible for the management and management of personal data?

The area responsible for the management and administration of personal data is: “Data Privacy”, whom you can contact via email, with theme “Data Privacy” or directly at our offices located at 1863-301B Insurgentes Sur Av., Guadalupe Inn, 01020, Alvaro Obregón, Mexico City.

How could you limit the use or disclosure of your personal data?

You can contact CEFICOL in case you wish to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data to stop receiving any type of information such as advertising services, status of your procedures or status of the provision of our services, sending a free letter, with the minimum characteristics indicated next immediate point, to the area of “Data Privacy”, through the email account

CEFICOL will retain the personal data of the holder for as long as necessary to process his requests for information, products and /or services, as well as to maintain the accounting, legal, financial and audit records in terms of the Law and its regulations as well as the commercial, tax and administrative legislation in force and administrative.

How can you exercise your ARCO rights and revoke the consent granted?

As the owner of personal data, you may exercise the ARCO Rights (access, cancellation, rectification and opposition to the processing of personal data), or revoke the consent you have given to CEFICOL for the processing of your personal data, sending your request by free writing, directly to the area of “Data Privacy”, through the email account, with theme “Data Privacy”; personally going to our offices; or, requesting it in writing, sending to the address located at: Avenida Insurgentes Sur No. 1863-301B, Colonia Guadalupe Inn, C.P. 01020, Delegation Alvaro Obregón, Mexico, D.F. Such request, by free writing, must contain at least your name, full address, documents proving your identity, clearly indicating the link of relationship with CEFICOL and specifying in CEFICOL clearly and accurately the personal data from which you request your access, rectification, updating or cancellation, the elements or documents in which the personal data may work and indicating the reasons why you wish to access your personal data, or the reasons why you feel that your data should be updated, rectified or cancelled.

From receipt, the Data Privacy area will have a period of 15 working days to respond to your request, however this period may be extended for an equal period of time, which will be notified, by the means that you have indicated to us for such ef pointing out the reasons for such an extension, in accordance with Article 32 of the Law.

We also inform you that in terms of the Law and its regulations, as of January 6, 2012, you can initiate the ARCO Rights Protection procedure, before the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (IFAI), within the 15 days after the date on which CEFICOL responds to your request and is not satisfactory to you, or, if the term indicated has elapsed, CEFICOL does not respond to your request.

Modifications to the Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to change or modify this Privacy Notice at any time. In the event of any change to this Privacy Notice, you will be notified through CEFICOL’s internet website:

Consent to the processing of personal data

The owner of personal data declares to have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of the Privacy Notice made available to him, knowing the purpose of the collection and processing of his personal data, as well as the procedure for the exercise of their ARCO Rights.

In the event that the personal data collected include the provision of services by CEFICOL, by signing the corresponding contract, either in printed form, or using electronic means and their corresponding processes for the formation of the consent, you consent to this Privacy Notice.

Date of last update of this Privacy Notice: 25/10/2013


It will be a pleasure to serve you

Please contact us to know your needs and be able to offer you the best alternatives. We love to meet all kinds of entrepreneurs and serve them as they deserve.

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