Our Services

How to Get Started?

Start With a Free Consultation

For us it will be a pleasure to know your business, no matter if it is just going to be founded or if you have already been operating for years. We are ready to advise you in the best way, support you in legal, accounting and tax matters; in order to give strength, confidence and clarity to managers and partners. 

We are confident that in a short time, your company will be strengthened and directed towards its full potential.

Legal Services

All companies since their birth require an adequate corporate structure, the best way to achieve this is through the legal analysis of the various activities that will be developed. This fully guarantees the return on the investment made.

For this purpose we offer the following services:

  • Building companies
  • Preparation of assembly minutes and council boards
  • Preparation and revision of contracts
  • Processing before the National Register of Foreign Investments
  • Copyright and trademark procedures
  • Generation of privacy policy and protection of personal data 
  • Corporate Dictation (Due diligence)
  • Immigration procedures

Economic Services

CEFICOL offers the economic research service that every company requires to carry out its investment and development plans, in order to increase its efficiency and strengthen its leadership, without neglecting social commitment.

Accounting Services

CEFICOL, offers its accounting services which allows our clients to keep a correct and complete control in their operations, which results in clarity in decision making.

Tax Advice

Besides, we add our tax advice so that your company has the relevant legal tools, promoting its financial growth, financial tranquility and proper administrative and tax treatment, generating solid business, healthy and successful.

Satisfaction Guarantee


CEFICOL is a company that favors customer satisfaction, placing it at all times as the guiding axis of the provision of our services, this being our interpretation of commitment.


Repair Warranty

Effective always and applicable in case of affectation due to failures or errors by us, which is stipulated from the beginning of the services, through the signing of the contract.


Decrease in Tax Impact

We seek to implement strategies that, properly substantiated, reduce the tax impact


Cash Flow Studies

We detect cash flow leaks to correct them so that your company has more resources at your disposal.

Continuous Improvement

Useful and Timely Reports

We constantly issue documents with observations and comments for continuous improvement


It Will Be Our Pleasure to Serve You

Please contact us to know your needs and to offer you the best alternatives. We love meeting all types of entrepreneurs and serving them as they deserve.

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